Substance Use & Health in Emerging Adulthood
The SHEA Lab is an interdisciplinary Research Lab based at Saint Francis Xavier University in Antigonish, Nova Scotia. Our team is dedicated to enhancing health and wellness in emerging adulthood, advancing evidence-based policy and practice, and supporting safer substance use.

Current Research
Our research involves the exploration of topics and themes that we believe could support change in policy and practice.
Read on to find out more about our latest work.
5 Years
UniVenture is a 5-year research partnership testing, adapting, and sharing a wellness program for undergraduates across 5 Canadian universities.
2 Years
This study presents a unique and timely opportunity to further alcohol labelling practices and regulations in Canada. The objectives of the current study are to design and produce enhanced evidence-informed alcohol labels with standard drink information and drink limit guidelines, to assess the salience of these labels with consumers, and experimentally test if exposure to these labels in a real-world setting of a retail environment has an impact on consumers’ awareness and understanding of low-risk consumption and alcohol sales.
2 Years
The goal of CAPP is to create an evidence-based framework to evaluate and inform alcohol policy development at post-secondary institutions.