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Canada's Guidance on Alcohol and Health
Canada's new guidance on alcohol and health was released on January 17th, 2023. We asked our students two questions. Read their responses.

Marketing and Availability: Optimizing policy to protect public health
Dr. Thompson delivered a virtual presentation at the first-ever PEI Alcohol.

Dr. Thompson's Most Significant Contributions
Curious to learn more about Dr. Thompson's specific interests and contributions? In this post we break down some past and current...

2nd annual NS Alcohol Policy Forum
Dr. Thompson presented for the 2nd year in a row at the NS Alcohol Policy Forum. This year her presentation was titled “#Dontpinkmydrink...

Funding for Updating Canada’s Low-Risk Alcohol Drinking Guidelines
CCSA has received funding from Health Canada to lead an initiative to update Canada’s Low-Risk Alcohol Drinking Guidelines (LRDG). The...
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