Project funded by: Movember Canada

The Caring Campus project was a three-year intervention research project funded by Movember Canada. The initiative aimed to develop and implement health promotion activities to prevent substance misuse and mental health problems among university students on three university campuses in Canada (Dalhousie University, University of Calgary, Queens University). The Caring Campus Project developed student-led initiatives at each site where evidence-based activities took place by male student leaders in order to address mental health concerns among their student population.
Each site also had a core team of researchers and facilitators to assist the students to develop their evidence-based interventions. Surveys, focus groups, and interviews were conducted at each site to enhance the understanding of the specific areas of focus at each site for the student-led interventions. The student-led Dalhousie intervention was branded “The Prosocial Project”
Peer-reviewed papers from the Caring Campus Project
1. Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health. Special Issue: “The Caring Campus Project”. 2018, Volume 37, Issue 3.
2. Nogueira-Arjona, R., Thompson, K., Milios, A., Maloney, A., Krupa, T., Dobson, K., Chen, S., & Stewart, S. (2021). The Mediating Effects of Protective Behavioral Strategies on the Relationship Between Addiction-Prone Personality Traits and Alcohol-Related Problems among Emerging Adults. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(4), 1814.
3. Thompson, K., Ivany, M., Davis MacNevin, P., Dewolf, D., Teehan, M., & Stewart, S. (in press). A Multilevel Investigation of Individual and Residence Risk factors on Student Drinking. Canadian Journal of Behavioral Science.
4. Strickland, N.J., Wekerle, C., Kehayes, I.-L., Thompson, K., Dobson, K. & Stewart, S. H. (2019). Self-compassion as a compensatory resilience factor for the negative emotional outcomes of alcohol-involved sexual assault among undergraduates. International Journal of Child and Adolescent Resilience, 6, 52-69.
5. Chinneck, A., Thompson, K., Mahu, I. T., Davis-MacNevin, P., Dobson, K., & Stewart, S. H. (2018). Personality and prescription drug use/misuse among first year undergraduates. Addictive Behaviours, 89, 122-130.
6. Henderson, L., Thompson, K., Hudson, A., Dobson, K., Chen, SP. and Stewart, S. (2019) An analysis of campus culture, mental health, and drinking at three Canadian universities. Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health. 37(3), 97-113.
7. Chinneck, A., Thompson, K., Dobson, K. S., Stuart, H., Teehan, M., Stewart, S. H., & Team The Caring Campus. (2018). Neurotic personality traits and risk for adverse alcohol outcomes: chained mediation through emotional disorder symptoms and drinking to cope. Substance use & misuse, 1-12.
8. Hudson, A., Thompson, K., MacNevin, P. D., Ivany, M., Teehan, M., Stuart, H., & Stewart, S. H. (2018). University Students’ Perceptions of Links Between Substance Use and Mental Health: A Qualitative Focus Group Study. Emerging Adulthood, 1-12. doi: 10.1177/2167696817748106
9. Davis-MacNevin, P., Thompson, K., Teehan, M., Stuart, H. & Stewart, S. H. (2017). Is personality associated with second-hand harm from drinking? Alcohol Clinical and Experimental Research, 41(9), 1612–1621. doi: 10.1111/acer.13440
10. Thompson, K., DavisMacNevin, P., Stewart, S., Henderson, L., Chen, S., Decaire, J., Dobson, K., Linamaa, T., Krupa, T., Stuart, H., & Teehan, M. (2017). The Association between Second-hand Harms from Alcohol and Mental Health Outcomes among Post-secondary Students. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 78(1), 70-78
11. Kehayes, I-L., Hudson, A., Thompson, K., Wekerle, C., Stuart, H., Dobson, K., Krupa, T. and Stewart. S. (2019). The Consequences of Alcohol-Involved Sexual Victimization in Male and Female College Students. Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health, 37(3), 127-143.